Did you know that the word Corolla is not just a science related term referring to a part of a flower(petals) but also means “Little Crown” in Latin ? Well if you didn’t know now you know. On today’s episode we are delve into one car I’ll like to describe as a "saviour" to many and I even dare say it is one of the cars to have most sales on the Ghanaian market. It is produced by Toyota Motor Corporation, a Japanese car company and one of the largest car companies in the world. Toyota Corolla was first introduced in 1966 and was the best-selling car worldwide by 1974 and has been one of the best-selling cars in the world since then. Toyota claims that almost 80 percent of Corollas remain on the road today. The Corolla's traditional competitors have been the Nissan Sunny , introduced the same year as the Corolla in Japan and the later Honda Civic and Mitsubishi Lancer . We are going to focus more on the 2013 model corolla which is very popular in...